Merrie Elliott Breeders Cup
In Honor of a Legend Breeder
The idea of a breeders cup is something that has been playing with Allan Sullivan for a while now. Allan is a passionate breeder of running bred Quarter Horse here in Australia. He has modeled the cup idea after some of the breeders cups that have been offered in the United States where quarter horse racing is strong.
When developing the concept Allan felt it important to honor the passionate breeders that have paved the way and have consistently advocated for the sprint quarter horse here in Australia. He felt like Merrie was it, as she has not faulted in her dedication to the breed and the sport, even at it's lowest.
All the known owners of sprint stallions where asked if they would like to be part of this great concept with 12 owners taking up the offer at this time. See below for those stallions. All progeny by these stallions will be eligible to compete in the Merrie Elliott Breeders Cup race series, with nominations for 2021 being due in December 2020. The fees will be paid in installments prior to the first race of the race series.
At this stage most sprint races are in North Queensland as this is where the sprint racing is at, at this point in time. As more communities come on board with sprint racing it is anticipated that the Breeders Cup will grow too, encouraging more people to breed to these stallions.